Not Feeling Good Enough

June 10, 2018

One of the core beliefs I’ve experienced growing up is this deep feeling of ‘not feeling good enough’. It sabotaged me in so many ways and it made me feel that whatever I do, it’s not enough. I’m not enough.

The belief infiltrated so many aspects of my life; feeling like I don’t belong, feeling that I am not worthy of taking space and feeling that I am not truly loveable. This core belief was crippling my most intimate moments and holding me back. I knew that I needed to face this painful negative belief which felt so imprisoning, in order come to a place inside myself of feeling enough.

I needed to be willing to look back on the early years of my life to understand where did this belief come? Was there a particular moment or birthplace where I began to feel that ‘I am not enough’?  In many ways, this has become both a personal and professional journey because the belief of ‘not feeling good enough’ shows up with so many people that attend my workshops. Almost everyone can relate to it on one level or another and it’s often whats driving us at the very core; we will do anything not to feel the pain of ‘not being enough’. Even though this is simply outright now true, how can one not be good enough? And yet, we have this belief entrenched in our psyche and we compensate for it in so many different ways.

The personal journey to discovering that ‘I am enough as I am’ has taken me to many depths in myself, not always easy to see and sometimes very painful. I still have experiences where I see the false belief of ‘not being good enough’ rearing it’s ugly head and usually it’s in relating. 

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